Frédéric Bron wrote:
> I have tried to make a chord exception as indicated in the documentation
> and
> in
> replace "07" by "dim" but it did not work. Here is what I tried:
> \version "2.8.7"
> \include ""
> chExceptionMusic =  { <gs b d f>4-\markup { G\sharp\super "dim" } }
> chExceptions = #(append
>          (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions chExceptionMusic #t)
>          ignatzekExceptions)
> <<
>     \chords { \set chordNameExceptions = #chExceptions gs4:dim7 }
>     gs'4
> Fred

Also your exception should not contain a duration indication, you have a
quarter note specified, here is one of my exceptions pasted verbatim:

<c e gs bf df'>-\markup \super \line { 7 \hspace #0.45 \override
#'(baseline-skip . .5) \column { \line { \teeny \raise #0.5 \flat 9 } \line
{ \teeny \raise #0.5 \sharp 5 } } }

change yours to remove the quarter note, like this:

chExceptionMusic =  { <gs b d f>-\markup { G\sharp\super "dim" } }

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