Tricky! I'm not sure what the best typesetting practice is for such a situation.
You might want to use tricks like
\version "2.8.0"
\relative c''{
<< {c b! c d } \\ { c s64 bes4*15/16 a4 g} >>
\layout{ragged-right=##t }

To get a reasonable output.


Lasse Rempe wrote:
Hello ---

I have only recently started using LilyPond, so this may be a newbie question,
but I didn't find a solution anywhere.

I am typesetting a piece where, on the same beat, one voice has a b, while the
other has a b flat. Even when I use the NoteColumn property to separate the
stems, LilyPond insists on only setting one accidental, which of course is not
going to work ...

Of course I could write the b flat as an a sharp (and since it's a piano part,
it doesn't make a difference), but that doesn't seem quite satisfactory.

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