"Joseph Haig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is it possible to have nested slurs of different types?  For example,
> on the following:
> e8 fis g4
> to have "\slurSolid e8( fis) g4" and "\slurDotted e8( fis g4)" at the
> same time, with the solid slur inside the dotted one?

You could use the following:

phrasingSlurDotted = {
  \override PhrasingSlur  #'dash-period = #0.75
  \override PhrasingSlur #'dash-fraction = #0.1

phrasingSlurSolid = {
  \revert PhrasingSlur #'dash-period
  \revert PhrasingSlur #'dash-fraction

And then do something like this:

\phrasingSlurDotted e8\(( fis) g4\) \phrasingSlurSolid

Michael Welsh Duggan

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