Trevor Bača <trevorbaca <at>> writes:

> (I personally think that at least dynamics should exhibit baseline
> alignment by default, but at least there's an easy workaround with
> definitions like those above.)

Any text that aligns horisontally, should align on the baseline.  For latin
scripts at least.  Alignment anywhere else is just plain wrong.

That said, horizontal alignment of dynamics doesn't look like it's been a
primary concern in any of the hand-engraved scores I can remember ever seeing. 
The engraver seems to have been more concerned, usually, with fitting in the
dynamics using as little space as possible; this often means moving the dynamic
script slightly to the left to be able to place it closer to the staff.

Here's Lilypond's default compared with an approximation to this technique:

\version "2.11.0"

\paper { ragged-right = ##t }

\score {

  \context Score <<
    \relative c' { s8\mf c4*1/2^\markup{Almost good} d4 e f
                   \bar "||"
                   c4\f^\markup{Default} d e f4*1/2 s8\ff 
                   \bar "||"
  \layout {}




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