> Dear Bob, you did give me some hope. I thought that not knowing a
> thing about programming was my problem, maybe being too stupid or
> lazy to understand what should be clear to me. But I see that you
> are indeed a software developer and still can have trouble with a
> programm.

Friends, Mats and Graham both do a great job by answering almost all
help emails.  I don't even start to think about the time involved to
do that!

However, we are normally too far involved into LilyPond to recognize
some of the very basic problems.

> I am a professional musician and an experienced music teacher. I
> would even be willing to write a first chapter of a User's Guide for
> the Very Beginner.

Please go on!  Either send patches or, in case you aren't satisfied
with chapter 2, rewrite it.

> > Thanks anyway to anyone who was sincerely trying to assist me.
> > Sorry I didn't get it.

Bob, I suggest that you retry it -- with a more recent lilypond
version!  Attached is the result of this snippet (which you've already
sent to the list) processed with lilypond 2.11.4.  It seems that it
does exactly what you want.

With other words, you poor guy have stumbled on a bug in lilypond, and
the people who've tried to help you weren't aware of this.



\version "2.11.2"

melody     = \relative c'' { c1 \break c \break c \break c }
altoMusic  = \relative c'  { \skip 1*2 e1 e }
tenorMusic = \relative c'  { \skip 1*2 g1 g }
bassMusic  = \relative c   { \skip 1*2 c1 c }
verseone   = \lyricmode    { la1 la la la }

\score {
    \override Score.VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
    \context ChoirStaff <<
      \context Staff = women <<
        \context Voice = sopranos { \voiceOne << \melody >> }
        \context Voice = altos    { \voiceTwo << \altoMusic >> }
      \new Lyrics { \set stanza = "1. " \verseone }
      \context Staff = men <<
        \clef bass
        \context Voice = tenors   { \voiceThree << \tenorMusic >> }
        \context Voice = basses   { \voiceFour  << \bassMusic >> }
  \layout {
    \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }

Attachment: bob.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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