John Mandereau wrote:
Le mercredi 27 décembre 2006 à 17:13 +0100, Manuel a écrit :
It looks like it was made by people with deep and systematic knowledge of the matter but less didactical experience.

Please don't be insulting. The problem is not my pedagogical skills; it's my lack of time.

(For those less familiar with English, "didactical" and "pedagogical" both mean "teaching".)

- in "Running LilyPond for the first time", there isn't enough details
about how to run LilyPond, which differs depending on the platform.

That section hasn't been updated since GUB was created. I don't use the GUI, so I'll add this to my list of odd jobs.

- in "First steps", there isn't enough emphasis on syntax correctness:
many Lily newbies are certainly not programmers, or even haven't learnt
any programming language.

It's already on my list of odd jobs.

I don't understand in which way the first chapter is too long. Didactically speaking it is as short as it can be, and you surely don't mean the file size?

Graham cezrtainly means the chapter should be splitted into several
sections, just like the current Lily HTML docs (one small section per


To insert patches would seriously compromise the clarity for the adresees.

What do you mean? Aren't patches the best way to see changes?

Manuel, do a google search for "patch" and "diff". They're programming terms for the preferred way to transfer changes to text files.

One didactically-oriented beginners guide can coexist with the reference-oriented tutorial, I think.

I'm against having two tutorials: a reference-oriented tutorial is no
longer a tutorial, and there is already a reference manual.  There are
already enough sources of information to make beginners lost.


I'd vote for Graham's proposal #2: splitting your work into small
sections and merging them into the tutorial.

Given his more recent email, it seems he isn't fond of this idea. I'll do #3.

Manuel, I second Joe's suggestion that you add your tutorial to the wiki. I don't understand what your objection to it is; given everything I've seen and heard about your ideas for this project and your technical ability, a wiki would be perfect.

- Graham

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