In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Rick Hansen (aka RickH)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

I would hope/think that it would not cost much...  Maybe just a cloning of
the code that currently does rests, except with a different notehead and
optional stems (so that durations other than quarter notes can be produced)
as a slash with no stem is generally accepted to mean quarter note, but
sometimes you want to depict a specific rhythm on a part staff thats not a
drummer.  Maybe a price will be proposed by a developer.


If you're going to have a variety according to the notelength, a notelength of 1 should presumably produce the percent mark ... dunno what we should do for 2.

This sounds a good idea - I've got a piece I need to set the drum and piano parts for, and pretty much EVERY note is either a slash or percent (some with chords), so that's going to be a learning experience !!! :-)

When it's done, I might post a cut-down version on -devel for use as a manual example.

Anthony W. Youngman - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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