I am having the following problem - any suggestions would be

I cannot make a slur from the E grace note at the start of the
second bar go to the F#, it goes to the A in all the four
examples I tried below. As you can see, I have tried to think
laterally, but without success so far...

melody = {

\time 3/4 \key a \major \clef treble


<a'  e''>8[ <b'  e''>]  <cis''  e''>[  <a'  e''>]  <a'  fis''>[ 
<a'  a''>] \bar "|" \acciaccatura  e'' < a' fis''>4 <a' fis''>8[
 <a' g''>]  <a' fis''>([  <a' e''>)] \bar "|" \break <a'  e''>8[
<b'  e''>]  <cis''  e''>[  <a'  e''>]  <a'  fis''>[  <a'  a''>]
\bar "|" \acciaccatura  e'' < fis'' a'>4 <a' fis''>8[  <a' g''>]
 <a' fis''>([  <a' e''>)] \bar "|" \break

% (s64 to force the phrases onto the same staff)

s64 << {a'8[  b']  cis''[  a']  a'[  a']} {e''8 e'' e'' e''
fis''a''}>> \bar "|" << {\grace  e''(  fis''4)  fis''8 g'' fis''
 e''} { a'4 a'8[ a']  a'([  a')]}>> \bar "|" \break s64 << {a'8[
 b' ] cis''[  a']  a'[  a']} {e''8 e'' e'' e'' fis''a''}>> \bar
"|" << {\acciaccatura  e''  fis''4  fis''8 g'' fis''  e''} { a'4
a'8[ a']  a'([  a')]}>> \bar "|" }

thanks, Steve

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