As far as I know, this isn't supported. Maybe something for a sponsored feature? It seems that single chord clusters cause LilyPond to crash i the latest development
versions. I have just sent a bug report.


Eyolf Ostrem wrote:
While we're at the subject of note heads: is it possible to specify a cluster as the tone height? I don't mean the \makeClusters command, since that - as several others have pointed out - does not seem to work very well for single cluster chords. What I'd like is a sqqare notehead whose note span can be specified, but which otherwise behaves as ordinary notes, i.e., it can have stems, it can be filled or open (for whole notes etc). What i've done so far, is specify two very short, identical chords with \makeClusters and fill up the rest of the space with "s". Not ideal. If this is already in the manual, forgive me for not having found it. And if it's not - perhaps something to consider?


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