I don't know what is going on.  To get Mats' sample working, I had to observe
a couple of extra rules:

This error occurs at the end of a line of the lyrics.  The next syllable must
be typed on the same line.  A new line is enough to cause the problem.  Where
there are no further lyrics (at the end of the stanza) it is O.K as the first
tests indicate.

Secondly, there must be no extra spaces. For example, the extra space between
the first two notes in the sample is interpreted as a string, and creates a
syntax error.  Similarly, an extra space between two words in the lyrics is
interpreted as an extra syllable.  At one stage during debugging, this was
happening under the tied note, making the lyrics miss it completely and
resume afterward.

(I had tried it both with the space after the brace and without.)

Within the small sample file, everything was then O.K., but if I then import
the passage directly into the original, the mistake returns.  The original
was created with Noteedit (Lp 2.4.2.)  Although there are no obvious differences, I am
starting again with Lilypond 2.10.20 and one of the templates from the
Tutorial, building on the working file.


On Wednesday 04 April 2007 17:18, Brett Duncan wrote:
> > Well, the line worked perfectly until I put Line 2 in.  Now I am back
> > where I
> > was.  There were a couple of instances of two spaces where there should
> > have
> > been 1, but I corrected those.
> >
> > I installed the latest version of Lilypond, but it made no difference.
> >
> > I can't create a self-contained extract, but here is Mats' file and its
> > continuation:
> >
> >  \version "2.10.0"
> >  \relative c'{\time 3/4 a   d, b' | a2   d,4 | e2. ~ | e |fis | fis2 fis4
> > | gis!2 a4 | b2 d4 |}
> >  \addlyrics
> >  {Let it be --  gin with   me __ Let there be peace on earth, The}
> >
> > When it prints out, the melisma is ignored, and there is a single
> > underscore
> > after "me".
> >
> > Doug.
> What appears above worked fine for me once I put a space before the
> final brace.
> Brett

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