I don't follow exactly what you try to do. However, the vertical position is
determined based on one of a number of different rules, depending on which
one sets the strictest limits. In your case,
- The staff-padding detemines the minimum distance to the stave.
- The padding determines the minimum distance to the closest
 object (stem or stave or note head or whatever). In your particular
 example the stem is the closest object.
- The slur-padding determines the minimum distance to the slur,
 if the text script extends above the slur. In your example, the difference
 between "1" and "11" is that LilyPond thinks that the former is only
 above the stem, not the slur, whereas "11" extends so far to the right
 that it's considered to be above the slur.

If you want a fixed distance to the stave, just set a large enough value
of staff-padding, so that this setting dominates the other ones.
Also, instead of using the extra-offset to change the horizontal position,
you may want to set
      \override TextScript #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT
As you will notice, this setting changes many of your conclusions, for example since LilyPond will no longer think that any of the text scripts is above any slur.
I recommend you to remove all your other \override:s as a starting point.

Note also, that your score will look different if you upgrade to the latest
development version (or when you upgrade to version 2.12 when it will
be released some time in the future).


Dmytro O. Redchuk wrote:

   I found that TextScript requires some extra-offset when set above
   slurred note AND has more than one symbol. Just take a look:

% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
\version "2.10.20"

soprano = \relative c'' {
        % Text would be 7 units below it's original position...
        \override TextScript #'padding = #-7
        % ... but this padding forces the same position
        % for all TextScripts above Staff:
        \override TextScript #'staff-padding = #1.0
        % Shift them a bit left:
        \override TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-3.0 . 0)
        % Markup (two symbols -- no slur) -- no problem,
        % as expected:
        e4 f ^ \markup { \bold 11 }
                g a
        % Two symbols, slurred note -- 'staff-padding is "ignored":
        e4 f( ^ \markup { \bold 11 }
                g a)
        % Well, 'slur-padding is ignored too?
        \once \override TextScript #'slur-padding = #-7
        e4 f( ^ \markup { \bold 11 }
                g a)
        % But _one symbol_ markup _with slur_ is great,
        % with no 'slur-padding :
        e4 f( ^ \markup { \bold 1 }
                g a)
{ \soprano }
\paper {
        indent = 0
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------

    Very probably, I have missed something important -- please, tell me.

    And, btw, is there other way to get all TextScripts positioned at the
    same distance from staff?


        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe

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