I hope you have seen the earlier followups in this email thread,
for example
which shows a setting that gives a layout more close to that
in 2.10.


jba wrote:

This has also frustrated me, and none of the solutions recommended is ideal.
What bothers me is that it looks great in 2.10 (no flats touch barlines),
but I now depend on features in 2.11. It happens with sharps but is
especially apparent in flats, which, in the most recent versions, nearly
touch the barline if they immediately follow one.

I'll submit a lilypond file if the issue is not reproducible, but it's
strange that 2.11 passes this test:

Other than this trivial problem, I'm really starting to like lilypond.
Thanks guys!

Kieren MacMillan wrote:
[ Lilypond 2.11.12 ; Mac OS X 10.4.9 ]

Hello, all!

In recent versions of Lilypond, I find that the first element of every measure is generally too close to the preceding barline for my taste -- i.e., there isn't enough left-padding on the first note or rest or whatever (n.b., the spacing issue is especially egregious when the first item is an accidental, arpeggio, or other "note attachment").

Is there a single setting I can adjust to globally increase the space at the beginning of measures?

I tried BarLine right-padding and space-after type options, but they all left unwanted space after the last barline of a given system... There's also a nice hint on the list which assists with the "attachments", but I'd prefer a global option.


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