2007/7/27, David Fedoruk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> First, I'd like to thank the Lilypond programmers for a great job! I
> finally finished typesetting two of these Scsarlatti Sonatas, one of
> which was from the ubiquitous Longo edition.

I didn't know this sonata; it looks awesome! Do you plan to post it on Mutopia?

> Now my problem, the following lines have one tied note, the  "a" in
> the Right Hand upper voice is tied to an "a" in the next bar. The only
> problem I can see for Lilypond is that its at that point which the
> bars of two voices merge to become one voice again.

yes indeed; why don't you just add an invisible second voice? Here's a
version that works:

\version "2.11.27"
\include "english.ly"
  upper = \relative c'' {
       \clef treble
       \key e \major
       \time 3/4
               \mark "Allegro"

       cs8[bs cs ds e fs ]                     |               % bar 61
       e[ gs \grace fs16 e8 ds cs b ]  \bar "||"       % bar 62
       \key eflat \major bf8[cf' bf af g  f ]  |       % bar 63
       g8[ bf \grace af16 g8 f  ef d ]         |       % bar 64
       ef[d ef f g af ]                                    |       % bar 65
       g[ bf \grace af16 g8 f ef df ]           |      % bar 66

       {   \grace bf16 \stemUp  cf2  af'4~ | af8 } \\
       { \stemDown      cf,2.                  | s8  }    % bar 67,68
       af'[ gf f bf af ] |
       gf[bf \grace af16 gf8 f ef df ]         |       % bar 69

    lower = \relative c {
       \clef bass
       \key e \major
       \time 3/4

       cs8[bs cs ds e fs ]                             |       % bar 61
       e[ gs \grace fs16 e8 ds cs b ]  \bar "||"       % bar 62
       \key eflat \major bf8[cf' bf af g  f ]  |       % bar 63
       g8[ bf \grace af16 g8 f  ef d ]         |     % bar 64
       ef[d ef f g af ]                                  |        % bar 65
       g[ bf \grace af16 g8 f ef df ]          |       % bar 66
       r8 af'8[f d cf af ]                               |       % bar 67
       bf,2.                                                  |       % bar 68
       ef4 r4 r
|       % bar 69
       r8 af'8[f d cf af ]                    \bar "||"       % bar 70


    \score {
       \new PianoStaff <<
          \set PianoStaff.instrumentName = "Piano  "
          \new Staff = "upper" \upper
          \new Staff = "lower" \lower
       \layout { }

       \midi { }


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