In the final part of this tune, the 1st alternative prints fine, but
the second one has the bars all screwed up.  The first g4, is on a bar
of its own !

I have only this ugly solution for measure 24 (line 63 in your score)

g8*6/5 e e e4*6/5 % 5 eighth notes = value of 6 eighth notes

Also when I use timidity to play the midi file, it ignores all the repeats. I just plays the tune straight through.

See doc 6.7.3 "repeats and Midi"

\include ""
\header {
   composer =  "by Paddy O'Brien"
   title = "The Coming of Spring"
   dedication = ""
   tagline = "Music engraving by JMcCool using LilyPond " %\version

%\define mbreak = {\break}
\define mbreak = {}

melody = \relative c' {
\clef treble
\key d \major
\time 6/8
\override Score.BarNumber
  #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
\set Score.currentBarNumber = #0
%\set Staff.midiInstrument = "flagelette"
#(set-global-staff-size 23)

 \repeat volta 2 { %TUNE_START
      \partial 8*1  a'8
b8  e,8  e8  b'4  a8 %\bar "|"
b8  d8  b8  b8  a8  g8 %\bar "|"
fis8  e8  fis8 d8  fis8  a8 %\bar "|"
d8  fis8  e8  d8  b8  a8 %\bar "|"
b8  e,8  e8  b'4  a8 %\bar "|"
b8  e8 fis8  g8  fis8  e8  %\bar "|"
d8  b8  g8  fis8 g8  a8 %\bar "|"
b8  g8  e8  e4 %\bar ":|:"

\repeat volta 2 {
       \partial 8*1 fis8
       \set Score.currentBarNumber = #8
g8  e8  fis8  g4  a8 %\bar "|"
b4  a8[  b8  e8  cis8] %\bar "|"
d8  a8  a8  b8  a8  g8 %\bar "|"
\times 2/3 {fis8 g8 a8}  fis8  d8  e8 fis8 %\bar "|"
g4  e8[  fis8  g8  a8] %\bar "|"
b8 e8  fis8  g8  fis8  e8 %\bar "|"
d8  b8  g8 fis8  g8  a8 %\bar "|"
b8  g8  e8  e4 %\bar ":|:"

 \repeat volta 2 {
\partial 8*1 fis'8
       \set Score.currentBarNumber = #16
g4  e8[  e8  g8  e8] %\bar "|"
b8 e8  g8  b8  a8  g8 %\bar "|"
fis4  d8[  d8 cis8  d8] %\bar "|"
a8  fis8  a8  d8  e8  fis8 %\bar "|"
g4  e8[  e8  g8  e8] %\bar "|"

\alternative {
    g4 e8[ e g e] %\bar "|"
    b e g b a g %\bar "|"
    fis e d \times 2/3 {fis8 g8 a8} fis %\bar "|"
    g e e e4 %\bar "|"

    g4 e8 fis e d %\bar "|"
    b e cis d fis e %\bar "|"
    d8  b8  g8  fis8 g8  a8 %\bar "|"
    b8  g8  e8  e4

\score {
 \new Staff \melody
 \midi { }


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