I'm having a piece with each vocal voice split into two, which are printed on 
the same staff. As I only want to print dynamics, articulations etc. once, I 
simply remove the corresponding engravers from the second voice. However, I 
have not been able to find the proper engraver for the \fermataMarkup.

Attached is an example, where I have successfully removed the \p, the \accent, 
an ordinary _"Text" and a normal \fermata from the second voice, but the 
\fermataMarkup is apparently not created by either Dynamic_engraver, 
Text_engraver, Script_engraver or Mark_engraver...

So, the question is, which engraver does create the fermata on whole rests?


Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://reinhold.kainhofer.com/
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien, http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/
 * K Desktop Environment, http://www.kde.org, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung "Jung-Wien", http://www.jung-wien.at/

Attachment: engraver_for_fermataMarkup.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

\version "2.11.36"
#(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)

\header {
  title = "Which engraver creates the \fermataMarkup on the R1?"

mI = \relative c'' { R1-\fermataMarkup | c4\p d\accent c^"Text 1" d\fermata }
mII = \relative c'' { R1-\fermataMarkup | g4\p a\accent b_"Text 2" d_\fermata }

\context Score \with { \override CombineTextScript #'avoid-slur = #'outside } {
  \context Staff << 
    \context Voice = "v1" << {\voiceOne \mI} >>
    \context Voice = "v2" \with { 
          \remove "Dynamic_engraver" 
          \remove "Text_engraver" 
          \remove "Script_engraver"
          \remove "Mark_engraver"
    } << {\voiceTwo \mII} >>
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