If you search the mailing list archives, you will find that there are some problems with the OSX version of LilyPond on Leopard. As far as I can understand, you can only run it from the command line.

However, in Windows XP, there shouldn't be any such problems. Based on your previous email, it seems that you have used LilyPond before, so I won't direct you to the Tutorial, as I would normally do when this kind of question pops up on the mailing list.

However, for us to be able to understand what problem you experience in Windows, you would have to provide more details of exactly what you tried to do and what LilyPond version you used, the last stable 2.10.33 or the last development 2.11.40? Did you use the editor that's opened when you double click in the LilyPond icon or a LilyPond file, or did you use some other text editor (any text editor will do and the one included with LilyPond is fairly primitive).


Rafael González wrote:

This happened to me with my windows XP and my Apple leopard: I download tha latest version of lilypond. It does not want to save the initial test file.

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        School of Electrical Engineering
        Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
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