2008/2/23, Reinhold Kainhofer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Thanks for the hint.
>  Now, my next problem is that if my createscore function is called within a
>  \book block, I'd need to use book-score-handler instead of
>  toplevel-score-handler.
>  Is there an easy way to detect wheter we are inside a book block?
>  From parser.yy I see that lilypond does not explicitly check this, but uses
>  the implicit context information from the parser instead...

Not that I know. We'd have to modify the parser.

>  The other issue I'm running into now is: How can I call a music-function from
>  within another music-function? I haven't found any example for this in the
>  docs or the LSR...

>  However, I always get an error message:
>  music_function_calls_another.ly:4:76: In expression (identity parser
>  location ...):
>  music_function_calls_another.ly:4:76: Wrong type to apply: #<Music function
>  #<procedure #f (parser location music)>>

You have to use ly:music-function-extract to get the scheme function
from the object.

Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen

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