Mats Bengtsson wrote:
As far as I can see in the source code, it should help to do
\override StemTremolo #'length-fraction = #0.8
(the default value seems to be 1). I haven't tried it though.
I you manage, please send a follow-up to the mailing list
for the record (it also seems that this property is missing
in the documentation for StemTremolo).

This works perfectly. Thanks a lot!

some examples:

\version "2.11.38"
\override StemTremolo #'beam-thickness = #0.2
\override StemTremolo #'beam-width = #2
\override StemTremolo #'length-fraction = #0.7
\override StemTremolo #'Y-offset = #1.5
\stemUp b'1:16

\override StemTremolo #'beam-thickness = #0.2
\override StemTremolo #'beam-width = #2
\override StemTremolo #'length-fraction = #0.7
\override StemTremolo #'Y-offset = #-0.8
\stemDown g'1:16

\override StemTremolo #'beam-thickness = #0.2
\override StemTremolo #'beam-width = #2
\override StemTremolo #'length-fraction = #0.7
\override StemTremolo #'Y-offset = #-0.4
\stemUp g'4:16

Adjusting the Y-offset all the time is a bit tedious, but it works.

Peter van Kranenburg

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