You are probably right that the Emacs mode isn't very actively maintained, but my impression has been that it works quite well. When it comes to syntax updates in LilyPond, the list of command names used for syntax highlightening in the mode, is automatically updated for every new LilyPond release and the basics of the syntax
have not changed significantly since 2006.

Could you please point out exactly what problems you have noted.


Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
Dear list,

I am discovering and learning lilypond. I found the lilypond mode for
emacs extremely useful.

However, it seems that this mode has not been updated since 2006.
Somewhere in the beginning of lilypond-mode.el, one can read :

(defconst LilyPond-version "2.5.20"
  "`LilyPond-mode' version number.")

Since then, the lilypond sysntax seems to have evolved quite a bit.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Partoches/EssaisLilyPond$ lilypond --version
GNU LilyPond 2.10.25

In consequence, some of the correct lilypond 2.10.25 syntax is flagged
as in error by lilypond.el (while compiling correctly and giving, to my
untrained eyes, the expected result).

This situation is in sharp contrast with the care given to convert-ly
maintainance ...

Could someone a bit more versed in lilypond than I am update this (very
valuable) tool ? And tell me how I can help him ?


                                        Emmanuel Charpentier

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