  I saw some people discussing what paper size to use one or two days before. 
I'm also suffered from the paper size, and don't know how to handle them when 
writing oversized large orchestral scores like Mahler and Schoenberg did. Thank 
someone, who pointed out the Wikipedia. I'm attaching my paper.scm, with most 
of the sizes copied from the page. Some may perhaps never be used in music 
output, but I added them as a preparation for accidental use. Hope it will be 
  (please note: I'm using my small braille computer to work on Lilypond code, 
so I may accidentally type invalid dot by mistake, when entering spaces or 
executing copy, paste and overwrite commands. If there are errors, please let 
me know.)
;;;; paper.scm -- manipulate the paper and layout block.
;;;;  source file of the GNU LilyPond music typesetter
;;;; (c) 2004--2007 Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

(define-public (set-paper-dimension-variables mod)
  (module-define! mod 'dimension-variables
		  '(pt mm cm in staff-height staff-space
		       between-system-space between-system-padding
		       line-width indent short-indent paper-width paper-height horizontal-shift
		       staff-space line-thickness ledgerline-thickness
		       blot-diameter left-margin right-margin)))

(define (calc-line-thickness staff-space pt)
  ;; linear interpolation.

  ;; !! synchronize with feta-params.mf
    ((x1 (* 4.125 pt))
     (x0 (* 5 pt))
     (f1 (* 0.47 pt))
     (f0 (* 0.50 pt)))

      (* f1 (- staff-space x0))
	   (* f0 (- x1 staff-space)))
     (- x1 x0))))

(define-public (layout-set-absolute-staff-size-in-module module staff-height)
      ((pt (eval 'pt module))
       (ss (/ staff-height 4))
       (factor (/ staff-height (* 20 pt)))
       (setm! (lambda (sym val)
		(module-define! module sym val))))

    (setm! 'text-font-size (* 12 factor))
    (setm! 'output-scale ss)
    (setm! 'fonts
		    (if tex-backend?
			(make-cmr-tree factor)
			(make-century-schoolbook-tree factor)))
    (setm! 'staff-height staff-height)
    (setm! 'staff-space ss)

    (setm! 'line-thickness (calc-line-thickness ss pt))

    ;;  sync with feta  
    (setm! 'ledgerline-thickness (+ (* 0.5 pt) (/ ss 10)))

    ;;  sync with feta  
    (setm! 'blot-diameter (* 0.4 pt))

(define-public (layout-set-absolute-staff-size sz)
  "Function to be called inside a \\layout{} block to set the staff
size. SZ is in points"
  (layout-set-absolute-staff-size-in-module (current-module) sz))

(define-public (layout-set-staff-size sz)
  "Function to be called inside a \\layout{} block to set the staff
size. SZ is in points"

  (layout-set-absolute-staff-size (* (eval 'pt (current-module)) sz)))

(define-safe-public (set-global-staff-size sz)
  "Set the default staff size, where SZ is thought to be in PT."
  (let* ((current-mod (current-module))
	 (pap (eval '$defaultpaper current-mod))
	 (in-layout? (or (module-defined? current-mod 'is-paper)
			 (module-defined? current-mod 'is-layout)))

	 ; maybe not necessary.
	 ; but let's be paranoid. Maybe someone still refers to the
	 ; old one. 
	 (new-paper (ly:output-def-clone pap))
	 (new-scope (ly:output-def-scope new-paper)))
    (if in-layout?
	(ly:warning (_ "set-global-staff-size: not in toplevel scope")))

    (layout-set-absolute-staff-size-in-module new-scope
					      (* sz (eval 'pt new-scope)))
    (module-define! current-mod '$defaultpaper new-paper)))

(define-public paper-alist

  ;; don't use decimals.
  ;; ISO 216 has a tolerance of +- 2mm

  '(("a10" . (cons (* 26 mm) (* 37 mm)))
    ("a9" . (cons (* 37 mm) (* 52 mm)))
    ("a8" . (cons (* 52 mm) (* 74 mm)))
    ("a7" . (cons (* 74 mm) (* 105 mm)))
    ("a6" . (cons (* 105 mm) (* 148 mm)))
    ("a5" . (cons (* 148 mm) (* 210 mm)))
    ("a4" . (cons (* 210 mm) (* 297 mm)))
    ("a3" . (cons (* 297 mm) (* 420 mm)))
    ("a2" . (cons (* 420 mm) (* 594 mm)))
    ("a1" . (cons (* 594 mm) (* 841 mm)))
    ("a0" . (cons (* 841 mm) (* 1189 mm)))
    ("b10" . (cons (* 31 mm) (* 44 mm)))
    ("b9" . (cons (* 44 mm) (* 62 mm)))
    ("b8" . (cons (* 62 mm) (* 88 mm)))
    ("b7" . (cons (* 88 mm) (* 125 mm)))
    ("b6" . (cons (* 125 mm) (* 176 mm)))
    ("b5" . (cons (* 176 mm) (* 250 mm)))
    ("b4" . (cons (* 250 mm) (* 353 mm)))
    ("b3" . (cons (* 353 mm) (* 500 mm)))
    ("b2" . (cons (* 500 mm) (* 707 mm)))
    ("b1" . (cons (* 707 mm) (* 1000 mm)))
    ("b0" . (cons (* 1000 mm) (* 1414 mm)))
  ;; Below are two extended sizes defined in DIn 476
    ("4a0" . (cons (* 1682 mm) (* 2378 mm)))
    ("2a0" . (cons (* 1189 mm) (* 1682 mm)))
  ;; Below are ISO 269 standard C series
    ("c10" . (cons (* 28 mm) (* 40 mm)))
    ("c9" . (cons (* 40 mm) (* 57 mm)))
    ("c8" . (cons (* 57 mm) (* 81 mm)))
    ("c7" . (cons (* 81 mm) (* 114 mm)))
    ("c6" . (cons (* 114 mm) (* 162 mm)))
    ("c5" . (cons (* 162 mm) (* 229 mm)))
    ("c4" . (cons (* 229 mm) (* 324 mm)))
    ("c3" . (cons (* 324 mm) (* 458 mm)))
    ("c2" . (cons (* 458 mm) (* 648 mm)))
    ("c1" . (cons (* 648 mm) (* 917 mm)))
    ("c0" . (cons (* 917 mm) (* 1297 mm)))
  ;; Below are North American paper sizes
    ("legal" . (cons (* 8.5 in) (* 14.0 in)))
    ("letter" . (cons (* 8.5 in) (* 11.0 in)))
  ;; Ledger (17x11) is a 90 degree rotation of Tabloid
    ("11x17" . (cons (* 11.0 in) (* 17.0 in)))
  ;; government-letter by IEEE Printer Working Group, for children's writing
    ("government-letter" . (cons (* 8 in) (* 10.5 in)))
    ("government-legal" . (cons (* 8.5 in) (* 13.0 in)))
    ("philippine-legal" . (cons (* 8.5 in) (* 13.0 in)))
  ;; ANSI sizes
    ("ansi a" . (cons (* 8.5 in) (* 11.0 in)))
    ("ansi b" . (cons (* 17.0 in) (* 11.0 in)))
    ("ansi c" . (cons (* 17.0 in) (* 22.0 in)))
    ("ansi d" . (cons (* 22.0 in) (* 34.0 in)))
    ("ansi e" . (cons (* 34.0 in) (* 44.0 in)))
    ("engineering f" . (cons (* 28.0 in) (* 40.0 in)))
  ;; G and H are very rare, and the lengths are variable up to 90 inches
  ;; North American Architectural sizes
    ("arch a" . (cons (* 9.0 in) (* 12.0 in)))
    ("arch b" . (cons (* 12.0 in) (* 18.0 in)))
    ("arch c" . (cons (* 18.0 in) (* 24.0 in)))
    ("arch d" . (cons (* 24.0 in) (* 36.0 in)))
    ("arch e" . (cons (* 36.0 in) (* 48.0 in)))
    ("arch e1" . (cons (* 30.0 in) (* 42.0 in)))
  ;; Other sizes
  ;; Some are antique sizes which are still using in UK
    ("statement" . (cons (* 5.5 in) (* 8.5 in)))
    ("half letter" . (cons (* 5.5 in) (* 8.5 in)))
    ("quarto" . (cons (* 8.0 in) (* 10.0 in)))
    ("executive" . (cons (* 7.25 in) (* 10.5 in)))
    ("monarch" . (cons (* 7.25 in) (* 10.5 in)))
    ("foolscap" . (cons (* 8.27 in) (* 13.0 in)))
    ("folio" . (cons (* 8.27 in) (* 13.0 in)))
    ("super-b" . (cons (* 13.0 in) (* 19.0 in)))
    ("post" . (cons (* 15.5 in) (* 19.5 in)))
    ("crown" . (cons (* 15.0 in) (* 20.0 in)))
    ("large post" . (cons (* 16.5 in) (* 21.0 in)))
    ("demy" . (cons (* 17.5 in) (* 22.5 in)))
    ("medium" . (cons (* 18.0 in) (* 23.0 in)))
    ("broadsheet" . (cons (* 18.0 in) (* 24.0 in)))
    ("royal" . (cons (* 20.0 in) (* 25.0 in)))
    ("elephant" . (cons (* 23.0 in) (* 28.0 in)))
    ("double demy" . (cons (* 22.5 in) (* 35.0 in)))
    ("quad demy" . (cons (* 35.0 in) (* 45.0 in)))
    ("royal" . (cons (* 26.0 in) (* 34.0 in)))
    ("imperial" . (cons (* 22.0 in) (* 30.0 in)))
    ("antiquarian" . (cons (* 31.0 in) (* 53.0 in)))
  ;; PA4 based sizes
    ("pa0" . (cons (* 840 mm) (* 1120 mm)))
    ("pa1" . (cons (* 560 mm) (* 840 mm)))
    ("pa2" . (cons (* 420 mm) (* 560 mm)))
    ("pa3" . (cons (* 280 mm) (* 420 mm)))
    ("pa4" . (cons (* 210 mm) (* 280 mm)))
    ("pa5" . (cons (* 140 mm) (* 210 mm)))
    ("pa6" . (cons (* 105 mm) (* 140 mm)))
    ("pa7" . (cons (* 70 mm) (* 105 mm)))
    ("pa8" . (cons (* 52 mm) (* 70 mm)))
    ("pa9" . (cons (* 35 mm) (* 52 mm)))
    ("pa10" . (cons (* 26 mm) (* 35 mm)))
  ;; F4 used in southeast Asia and Australia
    ("f4" . (cons (* 210 mm) (* 330 mm)))

;; todo: take dimension arguments.

(define (set-paper-dimensions m w h)
  "M is a module (i.e. layout->scope_ )"
  (let* ((mm (eval 'mm m)))
    (module-define! m 'paper-width w)
    (module-define! m 'paper-height h)
    (module-define! m 'line-width (- w
				     (ly:modules-lookup (list m) 'left-margin (* 10 mm))
				     (ly:modules-lookup (list m) 'right-margin (* 10 mm))))

    (module-define! m 'indent (/ w 14))
    (module-define! m 'short-indent (* 5 mm))

    ;; page layout - what to do with (printer specific!) margin settings?


(define (internal-set-paper-size module name landscape?)
  (define (swap x)
    (cons (cdr x) (car x)))
  (let* ((entry (assoc name paper-alist))
	 (is-paper? (module-defined? module 'is-paper))
	 (mm (eval 'mm module)))
     ((not is-paper?)
      (ly:warning (_ "This is not a \\layout {} object, ~S" module)))
     ((pair? entry)

      (set! entry (eval (cdr entry) module))
      (if landscape?
	  (set! entry (swap entry)))
      (set-paper-dimensions module (car entry) (cdr entry))

      (module-define! module 'papersizename name)
      (module-define! module 'landscape 
		      (if landscape? #t #f)))
      (ly:warning (_ "Unknown papersize: ~a" name))))))

(define-safe-public (set-default-paper-size name . rest)
   (ly:output-def-scope (eval '$defaultpaper (current-module)))
   (memq 'landscape rest)))

(define-public (set-paper-size name . rest)
  (if (module-defined? (current-module) 'is-paper)
      (internal-set-paper-size (current-module) name
			       (memq 'landscape rest))

      ;;; TODO: should raise (generic) exception with throw, and catch
      ;;; that in parse-scm.cc
      (ly:warning (_ "Must use #(set-paper-size .. ) within \\paper { ... }"))))

(define-public (scale-layout pap scale)
  (let* ((new-pap (ly:output-def-clone pap))
	 (dim-vars (ly:output-def-lookup pap 'dimension-variables))
	 (old-scope (ly:output-def-scope pap))
	 (scope (ly:output-def-scope new-pap)))

     (lambda (v)
       (let* ((var (module-variable old-scope v))
	      (val (if (variable? var) (variable-ref var) #f)))

	 (if (number? val)
	     (module-define! scope v
			     (/ val scale))

	     ;; spurious warnings, eg. for paper-width, paper-height. 
	     ;; (ly:warning (_ "not a number, ~S = ~S " v  val))
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