Dear Kieren,
thanks for your answer.
I thought about that, but the problem is that, again, most performers will assume that the values X:Y refer to same rhythmic values, and will hesitate about the total duration. The need is there to explicitly (graphically, with a rhythmic unit) show what value X and Y (separately) refer to. For example, the code

\time 5/16
\times 5/3 {c''8*1/2 c'' c''}

produces what I wanted, that is, 3 eighth-notes spanning 5 sixteenth- notes. But 99% of performers will be confused, since when seeing
1. the rhythmic unit of an eighth note
2. the Y of the tuplet being 5
, they will assume the tuplet spans 5 eight notes...which is incorrect. yes, I know that the time signature hints that the span is 5/16, but this wouldn't be the case in a bigger measure, say 11/4, with different instruments playing staggered tuplets, i.e., tuplets not necessarily starting or ending on the same place. In this case, confusion would arise if one just writes the snippet above.

So, the only solution is to indicate in the bracket 3$:5& (where $=eight note sign and &=sixteen note sign). I am very new to lilypond, and know no scheme. Is what I am asking possible?

thanks for the help,

On MondayJul 7, at MonJul 7|22:43 , Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hi Uri,

I want to write 3 against 5. [...]
I will argue against most people and most notation manuals and most
modern scores that the only correct way to notate this is 3 eight- notes

I often feel the same way -- depending on the situation, I often want (e.g.) 2 half notes as a "tuplet" in a 3/4 bar, whereas the "correct" way is to have 2 quarters...

Unfortunately no editor allows one to produce it, which is a very disturbing fact.
Could lilypond be the one?

Naturally...  =)

Maybe the following snippet will give you the hint(s) you need:

\version "2.11.49"

upper = \relative
        c'4 c \times 4/3 { c4*1/2 c c }
        c4 c \times 4/3 { c8 c c }
lower = \relative
        c'4 c \times 4/5 { c8 c c c c}
        c4 c \times 4/5 { c4*1/2 c c c c }


Hope this helps!

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