For most grobs LilyPondTool's code completion and instant help function 
provides the default values by automatically walking the interface tree and 
parsing the documentation and the SCM files.
LilyPondTool's most important goal is to reduce the tedious seeking in the 
reference manual.
However one limitation is that currently there is no public interface for 
generating the code completion database for arbitrary LilyPond version, so for 
the newer grobs the instant help documentation and default values may be 
Anyway, I hope you tried LilyPondTool before asking for the default value. :-)


> ------- Original Message -------
> From: "Patrick McCarty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Kieren MacMillan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: 08/07/10/, 19:14:21
> Subject: Re: where can one find the default settings
> On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 9:17 AM, Kieren MacMillan
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Just wondering if there's any documentation on where to find the default
> > settings for a given grob — for example, I don't know where to look to find
> > the default BreathingSign #'font-size setting (which I need right now). [I
> > can easily drill down to the font-interface page, but no specific answer can
> > be found there, because it's an interface shared by so many different
> > grobs...]
> This is explained in LM 4.2.2.  If the 'font-size property is not
> listed on the BreathingSign page, then it uses the global default
> setting for 'font-size (which is 0, according to the font-interface
> page).
> On the other hand, there are many grob properties with unlisted
> default values.  Does this imply that they are undocumented, or that
> their values are grob-dependent?  I'm not sure if this is documented
> anywhere.
> > Once again, I would like to suggest that all settings for a given grob
> > should be available in a single documentation page — e.g., the grob
> > LayoutObject page — so that users don't have to hunt them down in fourteen
> > different places, assuming they even know where to look to begin with. [This
> > list of settings should be *automatically* generated, of course, so that no
> > one would have to manually build it for each new Lilypond version...]
> Since new users are expected to read the Learning Manual, the method
> to *hunt down* the grob settings is documented.  I agree that the
> process to *find* the correct page can be difficult though.
> Thanks,
> Patrick

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