In message <>, chip <> writes
% ------ Trombone Bass Clef------
tbonea = {
% Notes here -----
a b c d
trombonea = \relative c {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trombone 1"
\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tbn 1"
\clef bass
<< \tbonea >>

% ------ Trombone Treble Clef------
tboneb= {
% Notes here -----
a b c d
tromboneb = \transpose c d \relative c' {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trombone 2"
\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = #"Tbn 2"
\clef treble
<< \tboneb >>

It's true for all the other instruments as well ... but as a trombonist I've picked that part ...

Firstly it's normal when transposing to put the instrument's pitch in the name - so it should be "2nd Bb Trombone" and "1st Trombone". There's a very good reason for that - my fellow first trombone might pick up the music, think "good, there's a treble part" and play it - a fourth too high! (He's got an alto - Eb - trombone).

And the same thing holds true - even more so - for the trumpet group. While I'm only aware of a flugel being in Bb, cornets come in at least Bb and Eb, and trumpets come in Bb, C, D, Eb and maybe more!

Secondly (and this is a matter of lilypond style, nothing else) I would not say "\transpose c d" but "\transpose bf c". Brass instrument transposition is always described as "read C, play X" where X is the instrument's "natural", or open, harmonic. In other words, "\transpose bf c" says "take an instrument that naturally plays Bf (think bugle) and write it in the scale of C" (same thing with the natural horn - plays F, written as C).

Oh - by the way - NEVER call the "trombone in bass clef" a C trombone. IT ISN'T. It's a "Bb trombone in C", but you don't bother with either note. The note in front of the name specifies the "natural pitch" of the instrument. The note after specifies the transposition which should either be the same (in which case you don't bother with it), or C in which case you don't bother with either note because you can't guarantee what the "natural pitch" is of the instrument that will play it (in the case of the trombone it would normally be Bf, but might be G or Ef too).

Anthony W. Youngman -

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