The linewidth is always around 190 mm (+-), so this my be the reason
for LilyPonds default margins. I'd prefer letter format, but in
Germany (Europe?) letter format paper is not easily available.
I even more I like 9x12 inch (Breitkopf & Härtel), but even if I
found paper in ths format, my printer will not take it.


> > From: Reinhold Kainhofer:
> >
> > On Mittwoch, 18. März 2009 12:29:42 Pekka Siponen wrote:
> > > The default margins for a4 seem a little too narrow. The normal I
> > > see in scores is about 2 cm wide.
> >
> > I concur. On most scores I have seen, the margins are larger than
> > LilyPond's (although I have not explicitly measured them).
> I have! At one point I was frustrated by this very issue
> and went through my score library with a ruler. Valentin
> mentioned "precise" measurements, but to my surprise,
> measured values from any one publisher deviated quite a
> lot from score to score, sometimes from page to page.
> I even recall a couple of instances where the line-width
> at the top of a page was several mm shorter from the
> line-width at the bottom of the page. Also, the printed
> matter was not always consistently centered on the page.
> Thus in most cases, my reported values for top- and
> bottom-margin are the same (per publisher), representing a
> vertically centered page.
> So, perhaps there can be no "precise" measurements; though
> I tried to capture the average measurements as best as I
> could.
> By the way, I can easily confirm the wide margins:
> Peters    = 17.75 mm
> Wiener UE = 20.75 mm
> Henle     = 21.25 mm
> Schirmer  = 21.25 mm
> One interesting thing to note -- I compared the ratio of
> paper-width to paper-height for each publisher, and found
> that all had proportions much closer to the (short and fat)
> "letter" ratio than to the (tall and skinny) "a4" ratio.
> w/h ratio:
> ...tall and skinny...
> a4        = 0.70707 mm
> 8.5x12    = 0.70833 mm
> 9x12      = 0.75     mm
> Peters    = 0.75    mm
> Henle     = 0.75806 mm
> Wiener UE = 0.76     mm
> Schirmer  = 0.764    mm
> letter    = 0.77273 mm
> ...short and fat...
> ___________________________________________________________
> Anyway, here are my results:
> Peters:
> paper-width   = 222    mm
> paper-height  = 297    mm
> staff-height  =   7    mm
> line-width    = 186.5  mm
> top-margin    =  10    mm
> bottom-margin =  10    mm
> Henle:
> paper-width   = 235    mm
> paper-height  = 310    mm
> staff-height  =   7    mm
> line-width    = 192.5  mm
> top-margin    =  15    mm
> bottom-margin =  15    mm
> Wiener Urtext Edition:
> paper-width   = 230    mm (232 including binding)
> paper-height  = 304    mm
> staff-height  =   6.25 mm
> line-width    = 188.5  mm
> top-margin    =  11    mm
> bottom-margin =  19    mm
> Schirmer:
> paper-width   = 230    mm
> paper-height  = 301    mm
> staff-height  =   7    mm
> line-width    = 187.5  mm
> top-margin    =  13    mm
> bottom-margin =  13    mm
> Hope this helps!
> - Mark
> p.s. should we migrate this to bug- or -devel?
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