Is it intended that a title or subtitle in the main header should be
repeated in each bookpart that doesn't redefine the title or subtitle,
because that's what I see:

\version "2.12.2"

\paper { 
        ragged-bottom = ##t 
        ragged-last-bottom = ##t 
\header {
         title = "Main Title"
         subtitle = "Main Subtitle"

\markup \null

\bookpart { 
        \header { 
                title = "Piece One" 
                composer = "Person One"
        \relative c' { \time 4/4 c d e f g a g f e }

\bookpart {     
        \header { 
                title = "Piece Two" 
                composer = "Person Two"
        \relative c' { \time 5/4 c d e f g a g f e }

\bookpart {     
        \header { 
                title = "Piece Three" 
                composer = "Person Three"
        \relative c' { \time 3/4 c d e f g a g f e }

"Main Subtitle" appears in each bookpart. If I change each bookpart to use
subtitle instead of title, then "Main Title" appears in each part.


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