On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 9:22 PM, Tim McNamara <tim...@bitstream.net> wrote:

> On Jul 15, 2009, at 7:46 PM, Peter Buhr wrote:
>  When writing the fingering for guitar, there is a notation used to
>> indicate a
>> guide finger in left-hand shifting. The fingering mark looks like "-3",
>> but the
>> "-" is rotated up about 30 degrees, which means to silently slide the 3rd
>> finger from its previous position to this marked note on the same string.
>> (Just
>> in case someone doesn't know. ;-) So I want to write something like:
>>   c-{-3} or c-"-3"
>> The first doesn't work and the latter puts the "-3" below the note. Is
>> there a
>> mechanism to accomplish this? Again, I have scanned all the documentation
>> and
>> not found an example, but I could have missed it.
> In 30 years of playing guitar (jazz and rock), I have never seen this
> notation.  Is there an example on the Web you can point to?  I'd be
> interested in seeing how it's used.
This fingering indication is very common in classical guitar music. I see it
all the time but haven't tried to do it in Lilypond before tonight. Peter,
your objections to my initial approach make perfect sense, I just don't know
how to work around them. :)

Jonathan Kulp
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