On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 10:18:05AM -0400, Chris Snyder wrote:
> On Text-input.html, the pop music example is missing a hyphen and an
> extender line in the first measure (though perhaps this was intentional
> to simplify things?)

I'd rather avoid those.  Of course, I'd also like to get different
lyrics in there, and hopefully those new lyrics wouldn't have an
obvious missing hyphen.

The SVG images are available, so if anybody knows how to use
inkscape, this is a fairly easy project.

> On Productions.html, I think you mis-entered the name of the other
> publishing company listed - on that page it's "The Shady Lady
> Publishing" but it looks like it should be "The Shady Lane Publishing"
> (though I quite like the former!).

Whoops, thanks!

> Related to LilyPond promotion - do any people have suggestions as to how
> to explain it to people unfamiliar with LilyPond or the open source
> philosophy in general?

I've done it as best as I can on the Freedom page.

> The concept is certainly much more mainstream
> than it used to be (using Linux or Firefox as examples seems to help)
> but it's still difficult to explain.

I find that it helps to call it "volunteering" -- I mean, most
people are familiar with organizations like Doctors Without
Borders, and nobody (seriously) asks "well, what do the doctors
get out of it?".

> Also, I'm never sure how to promote
> LilyPond to technical illiterates who are used to a point-and-click
> interface.

Again, our Text input page is the best that I've seen so far.

I'm not opposed to changing either of those pages if anybody can
come up with better reasons/explanations/etc, of course!

- Graham

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