On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 02:38:34PM +0100, Gerard McConnell wrote:
> I have to say I'm very grateful for the work that's been
> done on Lilypond, so I'd certainly like to help in some
> way.   Without getting into git or programming, how could I help?

Popular question; here's a few things!

1)  The current Introduction->Features and Introduction->Examples
pages are intended to condense three pages from the old site.  One
-user reader looked through them and said that the new page looks
fine, but I'd like a few more people to examine them.

(I've made the links clearer)

- are we missing any worthwhile info?  (like those bulleted lists
  of features?)
- do we waste space discussing things that are covered elsewhere?
  (do we need a "Free software" heading on the Features page,
  since there's the whole Introducton->Freedom page on this subject?)

2)  Is there any info on the old site that isn't on the new site?
Have we covered everything useful from Introduction, About?

3)  Any cool images on the old site that aren't being used?  This
kind-of follows from #2, but instead of looking at complete html
pages, you could look at
for example, does
look particularly cool to you?

4)  I really want to have a "return to first page in this section"
link.  Currently that's called (main), which is a name that nobody
likes.  Find an alternate name for this, which ideally isn't very
long.  (otherwise the Manuals 2nd menu is too long for 800 pixels)

Alternately, convince me that we don't need such a link.

5)  Can you think of anything to add to the Introduction->Freedom
page?  Any reasons that appeal to you, as a user, that I haven't

6)  Are you famous, or could you pretend to be famous?  Give us a
neat quote for the Testimonials page!  Bonus points if you can
include a picture.

7)  Can you write English?  Look for grammatical or spelling
mistakes, or even better, try to find easier/shorter ways of
rewriting some phrases.  (although the website will be translated
into a few languages, we still have many readers with various
levels of English.)

- Graham

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