David Pounder schrieb:
------- Original Message -------
From: Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca>
To: David Pounder <pound...@lineone.net>
Sent: 25.10.09, 13:28:05
Subject: Re: Codas / Trios

Hi David,

The ideal solution would be for da capo, dal segno and codas to be
handled (somehow) by the \repeat and \unfoldRepeats constructs

wishful thinking?
Not really... this is open source software!  ;)
1. Anything that can be done "manually" can be automated with Scheme. 2. Anyone could provide a patch to the base code that would do what is necessary without a macro.

The only question is, who will write the macro(s) and/or patch(es)?


I suppose I asked for that :)

I'll go and read the contributor's guide,
Yes, please - it would be great to have a clean solution for d'al segno/coda constructs.
What I have experienced so far is the following:
1) if you want a new feature, you'll have to start for yourself
2) once you have started and run into problems, the lilypond community
gives all the support you need to go on.

It took me some time to get to 1) but then ... ;-)

but I think I may be out of my depth as I haven't touched functional 
programming for decades...
As Graham pointed out in another thread, a lot of contributors aren't
software specialists/programmers, but that's not the point. You'll just have to start.

-  David.

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