I'm typesetting a book of Italian madrigals and have used the accidental-style 'forget' for the project as it deals correctly with 99% of my accidentals. The issue is when I have a chromatically inflected note repeated. It quite naturally wants to reprint the accidental for each note. For this case only, I want to be able to hide the accidental. Ideally I would just attach a character to my note entry (like bes! and bes?, only [perhaps] bes-). I don't know much Scheme, but I am willing to learn. Can somebody point me to documentation on how to interface with the Lilypond code, and perhaps what function(s) I should be looking at to emulate behaviour like bes! and bes?. If there exists a quick and dirty "hack" to suppress the accidental (the mailing list archives suggest there is not), then I would like that too, so I can at least move forward with this part of my project.

Thank you for your time and help!

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