Le 6 mars 2010 à 20:09, Giovanni Roversi a écrit :

> Ok ok, I know I'm opening a new thread on the same topic just after few
> days, but I saw another possible solution. The problem follows:
> I'm transcribing the complete "Supper's Ready" suite by Genesis, and I
> want achieve a "book": in the first page, the title "Supper's Ready",
> the composer "Genesis", and the table of contents with the various parts
> and their pages. In the second page, the title (or subtitle) "1. Lover's
> Leap" and the text I've wrote there; at the end of the Lover's Leap's
> score, the second part with title and text, etc.
> So, I'm trying this:

> [...]
>    \score {
>      \include "Lover's Leap.ly"
>    }

Your problem is here.
Your included file contains top-level declarations, such as
  global = ...
  tenorVoiceI = ...
or the include of italiano.ly which also contains toplevel
decalarations.  These are forbidden inside a block (a \book,
\bookpart or \score block).

A posible solution: put your variables declarations in, say,
"Lover's Leap-music.ly", and the score block itself in a separate
file, e.g. "Lover's Leap-score.ly".

Then your top file becomes:

\version "2.12.2"
\include "italiano.ly"

\include "Lover's Leap-music.ly"

\paper { ... }
\header { ... }
\markuplines \table-of-contents

\bookpart {
   \tocItem \markup { 1. Lover's Leap }
   \include "Lover's Leap-score.ly"

Note that you do not need to write \pageBreak at the end of a \bookpart.


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