On 01/04/2010 2:58 AM, Dmytro O. Redchuk wrote:
> У ср, 2010-03-31 у 13:41 -0400, Aaron Dalton пише:
>> \clearpage
>> \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{1. Amor, che sol dei cor leggiadri ha cura}
>> \label{madrigal01}
>> \lilypondfile{/home/aaron/svn/scores/out/01-3-01.ly}
>> In my case all the scores are in one place, so I simply \input this file 
>> wherever I wish it to appear in the larger document.
> By the way, since all the scores are in one place, you can do this like
> this:
> % first, include files by filenames, no pathes:
> \lilypondfile{01-3-01.ly}
> and then, i believe, process like this:
> $ lilypond-book --process='lilypond -I/home/aaron/svn/scores/out/' book.lytex
> This will allow relocate easily .)
> If needed.

Ooo, I never noticed lilypond-book had an -I switch!  Thanks!

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