
Thanks for looking at this.  I'll do a more careful look later.  Here I
wanted to comment on your proposed syntax changes.

On 9/26/10 3:46 PM, "Patrick Schmidt" <> wrote:

> On the last page of my pdf I make suggestions towards an
> easier and more precise modifier syntax. The question marks after a
> number or after parentheses just mean that those should be optional.
> I propose to use ^ to indicate that a certain step should be at the
> top of a chord. I know that ^ is currently used to remove steps from
> a chord but IMHO it's more appropriate to indicate the highest note.
> Maybe ° could be used to exclude steps from a chord. It resembles a
> zero...

The degree symbol is not available for use in LilyPond syntax because it's
not available on a US keyboard.

Changing ^ is not available now; it would be a major syntax change.  It
would need to wait until GLISS.  And then, I would be opposed to it.  I
think that having a change in the meaning of a given symbol is very
problematic.  It causes me to be unable to understand both early and late
source files, unless I understand the change in syntax.



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