One way would be to align the text to a note that's in the center of the
bar. (That note could be invisible.)
<< {r8 r8 r8 r8 c8 r8 c8 c8} {s2 s2-\markup{\center-align bar3}} >>

On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 10:01 AM, simon blackmore

> Hi there,
> This is my first message so apologies if its a bit simple.
> I am just trying to put some centered text on each bar of music. One word
> per a bar.
> The code below puts the words at the end, so I guess its aligning to the
> note rather than the bar.
> I am generating this in SuperCollider so ideally I would like a clean way
> of having
> bars written and centered text to go with them. I am not fussy how its
> implemented as long
> as its concise. I imagine there is someway to style the text so that I
> only need to say centered once
> but as I mentioned I am just working my way through this.
> Any ideas on a good approach ?
> Many thanks
> Simon
> \header{
>  title = "hello world"
> }
>  \new RhythmicStaff {
>    \new Voice = "myRhythm" {
>      \time 4/4
>    r8 r8 r8 c8  r8 c8 c8 r8 -\markup  {  \center-align bar1 }
>    c8 r8 c8 r8 r8 c8 c8 r8 -\markup { \center-align { bar2 } }
>            }
> }
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