I would like to put a dot after the barline to show (something like) a
crotchet tied to a quaver - or according to
http://ranumspanat.com/jacquet_dots.htm subtly different(!)

It's more clear in this Beethoven string quartet:
page 17, second system, fourth bar violin 2 and 'cello; fifth bar viola.

I did find this thread
http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2005-05/msg00122.html from
seven years ago through the search but it didn't seem to come to any solid
conclusion, so I was wondering if things were different now?

I am not concerned about MIDI output etc., so I would be happy to use an
invisible rest and insert the dot as an "independent" object if possible?
In a broader sense, that means being able to insert an arbitrary object.
Any help/pointing me to the right part of documentation would be greatly

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