Dear community,
I've problem with this (shortened) file.
It uses the true type font HE for special microtonal accidentals.I've
found  this font somewhere in the web.
Unfortunately the accidentals are too close to the notes.
How can I give them more space?
I tried everything.
When I compile the file, I get the error messages like this: warning: Could not find glyph-name for
alteration 1/6

> ch
>    chh

Which is strange, because lilypond shows the correct accidentals.
Here is the snippet, the attached png shows the actual output.

\version "2.17.97"
% Define tunings:
  #(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree "Century Schoolbook L"
                   "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono"
#(define-public SyntohochAufloesungszeichen 1/12)
#(define-public ZweiSyntohochAufloesungszeichen 1/6)
#(define-public SyntotiefAufloesungszeichen -1/12)
#(define-public ZweiSyntotiefAufloesungszeichen -1/6)

StefansPitchnames = #`(
(c . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 NATURAL))
(ch . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 SyntohochAufloesungszeichen))
(chh . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 ZweiSyntohochAufloesungszeichen))
(cl . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 SyntotiefAufloesungszeichen))
(cll . ,(ly:make-pitch -1 0 ZweiSyntotiefAufloesungszeichen))


SyntohochAufloesungszeichen = "o"
ZweiSyntohochAufloesungszeichen = "p"
SyntotiefAufloesungszeichen = "m"
ZweiSyntotiefAufloesungszeichen = "l"

StefansStrings = #`(
(1/12 . ,SyntohochAufloesungszeichen)
(1/6 . ,ZweiSyntohochAufloesungszeichen)
(-1/12 . ,SyntotiefAufloesungszeichen)
(-1/6 . ,ZweiSyntotiefAufloesungszeichen)

pitchnames = \StefansPitchnames

#(ly:parser-set-note-names parser pitchnames)

\layout {
  \context {

    \override Accidental.stencil = #(lambda (grob) (box-stencil
(ly:text-interface::print grob) 0 0))
    \override Accidental.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
   \override Accidental.font-name = #FONTNAME
    \override Accidental.text = #(lambda (grob)
                                   (cdr (assoc (ly:grob-property grob
    \override Accidental.font-size = #-1

pitchnames = \StefansPitchnames

#(ly:parser-set-note-names parser pitchnames)

\new Staff \relative c' {
cll1 cl c
ch chh
<cll chh'>

<<attachment: Mikrotoene_kurzbeispiel.png>>

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