Well, ain't that embarrassing! You see what you expect to see. /voiceOne vs. 
/oneVoice. Good grief!

Thanks to those who replied. 

On April 2, 2014 12:08:34 AM CDT, Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org> wrote:
>Am 02.04.2014 07:22, schrieb Guy Stalnaker:
>> I noticed this recently but did not have time to post to the list.
>Now I
>> do so here 'tis.
>> I checked the docs and in the section on TPC
>> I see no note or warning that what I see is "expected". What do I
>> If I set some measures with rests followed by some notes, followed by
>> two voices set using the TPC syntax ( << \voiceOne {} \new Voice {
>> \voiceTwo } >> \voiceOne ), following the conclusion of the TPC
>> subsequent rests are engraved as if two voices still exist, as if (I
>> pray I'm using the correct terminology) the "temporary context" has
>> been removed, i.e., it was not temporary and continues to influence
>> engraving of the staff.
>> Is there a "purge" or "clean" or "clear" or "release" command one
>> use to fix this? In the past I've used manual rest placement to move
>> them where they should be, but I should not need to do that. The rest
>> placement remains incorrect whether I use \voiceTwo or \voiceFour for
>> the \new Voice in the TPC.
>You write \voiceOne after the closing >> brackets. That makes LilyPond 
>think you want to continue with an "upper" voice.
>Write \oneVoice in the same place and you'll have what you (presumably)
>> Here's some test music that shows what I'm seeing.
>> <code>
>> \version "2.16.0"
>> \language "english"
>> \header {
>>    title = "Rest placement error?"
>>    subtitle = "After Temporary Polyphonic Context"
>>    subsubtitle = "Rests appear as if for upper voice"
>> }
>> global = {
>>    \key c \major
>>    \time 3/4
>> }
>> sopranoVoice =  {
>>    \global
>>    \dynamicUp
>>    \partial 4 r4 |
>>    r2.^\markup {Rests where they are supposed to be} |
>>    r |
>>    r |
>>    r \bar "||"
>>    g'4 \mp ^\markup {Calmly} a'8 a' b'4 |
>>    c''4. d''8 c''4 |
>>    b'8[ g'] g'[ b'] d''4 |
>>    e''8 c'' d''2 |
>>    << \voiceOne { d''4 g''8[ fs''] e''( d'') |
>>                 c''8 c'' d''4( e'') |
>>                 f''4 a' c'' |
>>                 d''2 c''4 |
>>                 c''2. ~ |
>>                 c''2. }
>>     \new Voice { \voiceTwo d''4 ^\markup { TPC starts here} b'8 a'
>g'4 |
>>                  a'8 a' b'4( c''8 b') |
>>                  a'4 f' a' |
>>                  b'2 c''4 |
>>                  c''2. ~ |
>>                  c''2. } >> \voiceOne |
>>    r ^\markup {Error here - acts like there are two voices!} |
>>    r |
>>    r |
>>    r |
>>    r |
>> }
>> sopranoVoicePart = \new Staff \with {
>>    instrumentName = "S."
>>    midiInstrument = "clarinet"
>> } { \sopranoVoice }
>> \score {
>>    <<
>>      \sopranoVoicePart
>>    >>
>>    \layout { }
>>    \midi { }
>> }
>> </code>

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