Hanscom Field Advisory Commission
Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 7-8 p.m.
Location: Zoom video platform

Meeting: 956 2175 4230 Passcode: 194503 Ph: (646) 876 9923

Pursuant to current state law, this meeting of the Hanscom Field Advisory 
Commission is being conducted via remote participation. Persons who would like 
to listen or view this meeting while in progress may do so by Zoom or by phone. 
All votes taken by this body shall be by roll call vote.

HFAC provides continued communication and education among the communities 
surrounding Hanscom Field and Massport and acts as an advisory commission for 
review and reaction to decisions relating to Hanscom Field, including land use, 
noise abatement, and transportation needs.

Call to order
Massport Board Meeting Thursday, April 13 9:00 am 
<https://www.massport.com/massport/about-massport/board-meetings/> for access 
to the meeting, email remoteacc...@massport.com
Approval of previous minutes
Is there information about future scheduled passenger or air cargo service?
Runway 5/23 Project Team
State of Hanscom
Recent noise reports, presented by Massport
Capital projects, third-party development report, presented by Massport
Reformation of the Commission
North Airfield
SVB Collapse
Monthly topics
FAA Contact / Runway 5/23 / ESPR / MCAC
Citizen comments
Use *6 to mute or unmute on a phone. Please limit comments to two minutes.
Next meeting April 18, 2023

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