> For some reason or another, flash cannot call my director objects
> directly (or at least, I have yet to be able to get that to work).  To
> work around this problem, however, I created a handler called
> "flashstackaccess" which accepts a parameter "stackcmd" and executes
> that.

Could your flash sprite route a call through a behavior attached to the
flash sprite that then calls your stack manager for you?

> My problem arises in the fact that I when I attempted to embed a string
> parameter within a parameter that is already a string, all sorts of
> strange bugs arise.
> Again, illustrated for clarity:
> flashstackaccess("randomstackmgr.stack[stackpointer].generaterandom("str
> ingvar",60)")

You'd need to create string delimiters using the QUOTE keyword. I have no
idea what, if any, is the Flash equivalent:

strCmd = "randomstackmgr.stack[stackpointer].generaterandom(" &QUOTE&
"stringvar" &QUOTE& ",60)"

Perhaps you could set a couple of variables in the flash sprite and then,
when you need the parameters, reach into it with 'getVariable()' commands.
Again, probably easier encapsulated by routing calls through a behavior
attached to the flash sprite.


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