At 6:39 PM -0600 9/2/00, Brad Waite wrote:
>Yep, figured it out.  But I don't understand why one has to sort it when it's
>already sorted...  Is there a 'sorted' flag somewhere in the member internals?

Lists have an internal flag (not accessible through Lingo) which indicates
their sort status.  I wrote the following routine for which you might find useful:

-- this Lingo handler function examines a passed linear or property list
-- and return a boolean result as to whether the list is in a sorted state
-- written by Terry R. Schussler on 11/12/97
-- slightly updated on 9/2/2000 for dot notation syntax
-- NOTE: Lists must have at least one value.  Empty lists will be
considered sorted.
on sortP listArg
  -- we assume that ASCII 0 will always be sorted into the first position
  firstPositionToken = numToChar(0)
  -- check the list type
  case (ilk(listArg)) of
    #list :  -- check a linear list's sorted state
      add listArg, firstPositionToken
      firstEntry = listArg[1]
    #propList : -- check a property list's sorted state
      addProp listArg, firstPositionToken, firstPositionToken
      firstEntry = listArg[1]
      -- the passed argument was NOT a list value
      return #ERR
  end case
  -- determine where our temporary entry was added to determine sort state
  if firstEntry = firstPositionToken then
    deleteAt listArg, 1
    return TRUE
    deleteAt listArg, count(listArg)
    return FALSE
  end if
end sortP

---- Test run:

list = [1,2,3]
put sortP(list)
-- 0
sort list
put sortP(list)
-- 1




...---===|    Terry R. Schussler    |===---...
...---===|  DIA Chief Investigator  |===---...

on visitWebsite yourSelection
 coolSites = [ \
   #greatSeminars : "", \
   #directorIntelligenceAgency: "", \
   #freeBehaviors : ""]
 gotoNetPage coolSites.yourSelection
end visitWebsite

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