At 5:52 PM +0300 9/4/00, Owen Kelly wrote:
>At 16:38 4.8.2000 +0200, Szymek wrote:
>>send NOT sendSprite.
>>Open Message window and write send.
>>I have found it by mistake.
>Well, a few minutes playing with the message window while running a movie
>containing several objects (in a global called MyObjects, which is a sorted
>list into which the objects are birthed) gave me a series of interesting
>error messages. Initially Director expected a symbol, then it expected an
>These led me to this:
>send #Green, gMyObjects[1]
>which gave a "Handler not defined" error message.

The send command is an undocumented precursor to the call command.  You
should use call - send provided no additional benefits.




...---===|    Terry R. Schussler    |===---...
...---===|  DIA Chief Investigator  |===---...

on visitWebsite yourSelection
 coolSites = [ \
   #greatSeminars : "", \
   #directorIntelligenceAgency: "", \
   #freeBehaviors : ""]
 gotoNetPage coolSites.yourSelection
end visitWebsite

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