At 10:11 AM -0400 9/4/00, Colin Holgate wrote:
>>  > >> The staff of DOUG will be taking a short break to rest, relax and
>>>  >> re-energize. We'll be back with more great articles in
>>>  time to celebrate
>>>  >> DOUG's 3rd birthday on October 8th. Till then, enjoy the archives!
>>>  >
>>>  > I wish my short breaks were that long.
>>>  Well compared to three straight years of work on the site
>>>  without a break a
>>>  month seems quite short ;-)
>>Maaan! You Americans work way too hard...
>>Go, scoot, shoo! Go get your holidays, before you get yourself a heart
>>attack :)
>You maybe don't know the double insult you just said! Zac's Canadian,
>I'm English. But you're right, we need more vacation time.

I had to laugh - CNN's home page has a quick poll today and it shows that
26% of the respondents (supposedly Americans) are working today.  My wife
said in response, "That's all?"  I laughed and _went back to work._





...---===|    Terry R. Schussler    |===---...
...---===|  DIA Chief Investigator  |===---...

on visitWebsite yourSelection
 coolSites = [ \
   #greatSeminars : "", \
   #directorIntelligenceAgency: "", \
   #freeBehaviors : ""]
 gotoNetPage coolSites.yourSelection
end visitWebsite

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