This should be simple, but I'm getting tangled up in the dot syntax--and 
maybe in multidimensional arrays, too. It's been a long week this month.

I want to display a list of words, chosen from several lists. Ideally, I'd 
like to do something like:

wordList = masterList[n]
repeat with i = 1 to wordList.count
   put wordList.aWord[i]
end repeat

The line I am looking to convert to a list looks like this:

Currently I have this code to create the list:
the itemDelimiter = ";"
repeat for i = 1 to numLines
    theText = masterText.line[i].item[1] --I know this works
    if theText = "Start" then
       addProp(gWordList, #listStart, [:]
       repeat with j = 2 to masterList.line[i].item.count
          addProp(gWordList, #aWord, masterList.line[i].item[j]
       end repeat
    end if
end repeat

I know I'm not building the list right--I think I want a list something 
like this:

[#listStart: [#aWord: "Lingo", #aWord: "C", #aWord: "Pascal"], #listStart 
[#aWord: "Apple", #aWord, "Dell", #aWord, "Gateway"]]

I've been working on this too long, and I'm all turned around. Where 
(probably multiple places) am I going wrong?

Kerry Thompson
Learning Network

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