Another audio question...

I have been using SWA audio in this latest project. So far, so good.
However, I've discovered that MediaCleaner Pro will batch convert AIFF files
to MP3 format. This is much better than me using SoundEdit 16 to convert to
SWA maually (we're talking 2000 or so files!!). 

Now, the MP3 files play properly and preload properly and seem to be just
like SWA files except.....
Once I call a SWA member connected to an MP3 file to play, the state never
changes from a 3. Therefore, I have no way to tell if the MP3 file is done

Anyone know of a way around this? Is there a setting, or some other way to
detect if the file is finished? Or are MP3 and SWa files not really the same

Any help is appreciated!!

Brian Bradshaw
Systems Engineer
McGraw-Hill Education
McGraw-Hill Companies

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