At 3:46 PM -0400 9/7/00, Mark R. Jonkman wrote:
>Thanks Irv
>Like I said it was untested lingo. The only thing that we both neglected was
>to set the p_Int_InitX and p_Int_InitY values from something other than void
>(their default values).  The p_Int_InitX and corresponding Y sets the intial
>loc point for the thumb, it will also by default then set the permanent X
>position. The Y value should be set within the bounds of the max and min
>values that you set.  And if you want to make it more useable, consider
>adding a on GetPropertyDescriptionList call to set the properties in the
>GPDL dialogue when you drop the behaviour on the sprite vs. setting all the
>properties in the beginSprite handler.  I didn't do that because I was being
>lazy and my wife was screaming at me to get my butt upstairs for lunch or
>face the consequences!.. didn't wait around to find out what the
>consequences where, but she had a castiron frying pan in her hands :).
>Enough joking I got to get back to work.

No problem.  Yeah, I just eliminated the p_Int_InitX and p_Int_InitY 
assuming that the graphic would be placed in the right place to 
start.  Yes, using a GetPDL would be good for setting the limits - or 
for giving the sprite number of another graphic which could be used 
for determining the limits (like the sprite number of a slider 
extent).  And now I gotta get back to my two screaming kids :)

Lingo / Director / Shockwave development for all occasions
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