Actually Kerry it is a little more complicated than that.  The DSWMedia
folder is always contained within the shockwave folder, its exact location
will vary according to OS etc.. However, your notice of multiple dswmedia
folder's is fairly easy to explain, at least the first 2, the 3rd one is
also fairly easy to explain perhaps.

Windows\System\Macromed\Shockwave  -- is the Shockwave 7 install folder, it
is not removed when shockwave 8 is installed, my guess is its left behind to
accomodate those using D7 quickstart or shockwave projectors that rely on
those files still existing ??  hey if you have  a really old version of
shockwave it might show up as Shock

Windows\System\Macromed\Shockwave 8  -- the name says it all .. shockwave 8
install folder

Program Files\Encompass  this one probably is the result of someone either
errantly creating a dswmedia folder because they didn't know better or
because their program, which you installed ran within a browser or such and
used shocked files exclusively. Thus to run locally, you need to put the
stuff in a dswmedia folder.

As for the original question, you can read and write files to the Shockwave
dswmedia folder on the endusers harddrive, provided that you don't exceed
64K total write, they will never know what happened, but if you exceed 64K
in the session, they should see an alert box warning them that you are
messing with their harddrive and improving windows performance :). However,
you cannot write to the harddrive anywhere outside of the dswmedia folder as
it violates Shockwave security. I believe, that the creativity Xtras (or
whatever they are called) used by (and Jim Collins) create a
dswmedia folder in the root directory of the OS installed... not sure how
they got away with that one, but they did. The reason for the 64K limit is
to warn end users that you are a) writing to the drive, b). keeps you honest
as you have to consider whether you ever want to write so much as to get the
alert.  64K really isn't alot, but if it was unlimited without warning then
everyone might try writing copious amounts of data there.

Don't know if that helps or not.



Mark R. Jonkman
Mark R. Jonkman Consulting
ADDRESS: 20 Windermere Crt., Guelph, ON, CANADA N1E 3L4
PHONE: 519-837-8509

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Kerry Thompson
Sent: September 14, 2000 1:05 AM
Subject: <lingo-l> Which dswmedia?

 From Shockwave, can I freely write to and delete files from dswmedia? Or
anywhere on the disk? Mac and PC.

If so, I have 3 dswmedia folders on my Windows hard drive. Of these, which
should I use?:

Windows\System\Macromed\Shockwave 8
Program Files\Encompass (I really don't understand this one!)

Kerry Thompson
Learning Network

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