Kerry Thompson wrote:

> The largest number mathematicians usually deal with is a googolplex
> (really). That's 10 to the 100th power, and as Colin noted, greater than
> the total number of elementary particles in the known universe (about 10 ^ 80).
> Let's get really OT--the name googolplex was invented by the American
> mathematician Edward Kasner's 9-year-old nephew. Kasner asked the boy to
> invent a name for a very large number, bigger than anything that can be put
> into words. His nephew called it a "googol," and mathematicians have been
> calling it googolplex ever since.

Nit picking:

If I recall correctly
googol = power(10,  100)

googolPlex = power(10, googol)

which gives us:
put googol
-- 1.00000000000000e100
put googolplex
-- INF


put power(10,1000)
-- INF
put googolplex = power(10,1000)
-- 0
put googolplex + power(10,1000)
-- INF
put googolplex - power(10,1000)
-- NAN


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