Don't set the cursor within a mouseWithin handler. MouseWithin gets called
REPEATEDLY  while the mouse is over the button and it is very wasteful.

If you must change the cursor on rollover, use "on mouseEnter" instead of
"on mouseWithin". I prefer using the cursor of sprite property and setting
it in beginSprite and endSprite (untested off the top of my head):

on mouseEnter me
  sprite (the currentSpriteNum).member = member "image2"

on mouseLeave me
  sprite (the currentSpriteNum).member = member "image1"

on beginSprite
  sprite(the currentSpriteNum).cursor = 260

on endSprite
  sprite(the currentSpriteNum).cursor = 0  -- Restore "default" cursor

For more details on this topic, see the Direct-L archives over the last
week or so.


>Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 02:11:24 -0700 (PDT)
>From: e l <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>it goes something like this:
>on mouseWithin me
>  set the member of sprite the currentSpriteNum to
>member "image2"
>  cursor 260 <------changes the mouse sign-----
>on mouseLeave me
>  set the member of sprite the currentSpriteNum to
>member "image1"
>  cursor -1  <------- restore mouse sign

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