At 4:13 AM -0400 10/06/00, Lingo-L Digest wrote:
>Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 20:11:34 -0700
>From: "Mark A. Boyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The D7 docs claim
>it's a system variable, but apparently you have to declare it as a global
>global version
>on startMovie
>   member("report").text = version
>I guess it makes sense after all since the message window automatically
>declares variables as globals.

Yes, this is absolutely true. "Version" is the only predefined global. Een
after using "clearGlobals", it is still shown when you do:


See page 23 of LiaN (free online).

FYI, you can also check out

the productVersion


the environment

Those don't need to be declared as globals.

FYI, "the productVersion" returns a string  without the word "net" appended
and therefore differs from "version" in Shockwave.


Bruce Epstein, Zeus Productions, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 732-940-2800
Check out LAST CALL - The Ultimate Bartending Sim:
Director and Lingo in a Nutshell (DiaN/LiaN) kick butt.
Free Sample Chapters:

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