Dear List

I tried to print from projector using "Flash Assets Xtra" - on Director 8 /
MacOS - to bring in the cool printing feature, supported since Flash Player
Version 4.020 (talking about the Flash Printing SDK)

Interesting things happened on MacOS 9.0.4:

Standard MacOS DITL appeared in blank grey - as if the projector (player)
did not allocate enough memory for all the standard print option controls.

I pressed RETURN to find out if the default OK button works and voila, blank
grey DITL disappeared and something was sent to my printer.

But what was sent? My printers output was as blank as the MacOS DITL
mentioned before. Hmmm...

Is there an updated "Flash Assets Xtra" around that supports the nice
printing features from Flash Player Version 4.020?

    Thanks for any ideas, tips and suggestions



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